Grace Baptist Church
Contact Us
476 Summit Street Portland, ME 04103
Office Phone: (207) 797-5509
Weekly Service Schedule:
Sunday School - 10:00 AM
Sunday Morning - 11:00 AM
Sunday Evening - 6:00 PM
Thursday Evening - 6:30 PM
Live streaming: go here
Church Staff:
Pastor Gary Ouellette
Associate Pastor Tom Gapski
*Please call us directly with any questions/comments or by using the email form below:
From the South or North via I-95: Take Exit 53 to Rt 100/ Falmouth and turn right after the tollbooth onto 100 S. Go straight for .9 miles and turn right onto Summit St. The church will be straight across at the end of that road.
From Portland: Head North on I-295 to the Washington Ave. exit just past the bay. Stay straight on Washington/Rt 26 N for 2 miles through the lights crossing Allen Ave. Bear slightly right- this will turn into Rte 100 N/Auburn St as you curve right, passing around the Northgate shopping plaza. Stay straight on Rte 100 for 1 mile and turn left onto Lambert St. just before the North Deering Veterinary clinic The Church will be .3 miles on the left at the intersection of Lambert and Summit. You know you have arrived when you see the Lighthouse on the front lawn of the church and a very large USA flag flying over the Family Center across the parking lot!