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Grace Baptist is a Missions minded church. We have sent out missionaries from our own membership, have hosted many from around the world and support missionaries in many countries. We have a Faith Promise program for mission giving which many members have included in their weekly offerings and we take a special offering every Christmas for those with specific needs. We believe that although not everyone is called to the mission field and few can go, we can all still be a part of this most important work as we send out those who have been chosen to answer that call.  Acts 1:8


MISSIONS CONFERENCE: Our annual Missions Conference is in October.


 Our Goal this year is  $7000 . Thank you to all who have had a part in this ministry over the years as we have always met our goal- let's do it again!

Praise the LORD for a faithful, giving church!!

          Here is a link to a complete list of the Missionaries We Support 

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