Grace Baptist Church
Sat. Sept 16, 2017 A grand time was enjoyed by all who went to Peaks Island tour. The morning fog burned off by noon, it was a beautiful day with sweet fellowship and of course good food at the restaurant.
Sat. Mar 4, 2017 What a wonderful Missions conference this year! A highlight was the international dinner and the great dishes provided by our ladies. We enjoyed a slide show of the work being done in Sierra Leone and many members had fun by coming invarious countries' dress. Our very own Pastor and his wife Patti were clearly the best dressed there!
Sun, Feb. 19,2017: What a great time of fellowship as we enjoyed all the wonderful crockpot meals, salads, sandwiches, and desserts at our mid-winter potluck. Thank you to all the great cooks who contributed such great food and all those who helped as workers before, during and after the dinner. A great way to chase away winter blahs in Christian fellowship!
Fri. Feb 10, 2017: The special dinner prepared and served by the Young adults class for the Primetimers was wonderful and a true blessing. Many thanks to all those who gave of their time and energy to make this so special.
Sat. Jan 21, 2017: The teens had a fun time at the Jubilee in Sanford at Calvary Baptist. They heard a great message on friends and faithfulness in the little things.
Saturday Dec. 3, 2016: The ladies had a wonderful time of fellowship at a Christmas tea in the family center. There were 37 in attendance enjoying games, great food, laughter, and an ornament exchange, capped with a sweet message about the Sounds of Christmas from our own Patti Ouellette.
Saturday Nov. 12, 2016: Perry's Nut House -Ladies Trip
A wonderful time had by all from the bus trip up (thank you Pastor for sacrificing yourself and volunteering to drive a bunch of crazy ladies!) to the fun shopping at the Nut House and lunch at Moody's Diner. Great time of laughing and fellowship!